shirker (n.)
a person who avoids or neglects (a responsibility or duty)
slacker (n.)
a person who avoids work or effort
Usually, I wouldn't call myself by either of these two words. There are definitely areas in my life that I work pretty darn hard. However, these two words came about when I was looking for a reading plan for the Good Book. I have yet to successfully read through the Book
I have tried a variety of reading plans. In the beginning, I'm all "Look at me. I got my checklist printed on card stock, my journal for writing down my deep thoughts, and my highlighter ready for some memory verses." Two months later, my checklist is peaking out from underneath a pile of who knows what, my journal has turned into a something to write my to-do lists in, and my highlighter is missing (I always lose highlighters...).
Despite my many failed attempts, the Father still draws me to Him. His Word still beckons me and I long to immerse myself into the scriptures, all of them. So, I went to this website and did a little searching around. I came across a blog post that outlined several good plans that get you through the Book in a year. So, I clicked and began reading through the options. When I came to the reading plan entitled "For Shirkers and Slackers", the following reaction(s) took place:
Pft..I don't know what 'shirker' means but this plan is sooo not for me.
Then...I read "If 'margin for missing' is what you know you need, then this plan might be right for you. Maybe you've tried the other plans in the past and stalled out again and again..."
That sounds somewhat familiar...
Maybe I'll just take a quick looksie...
Upon looking at the plan, I'm really excited! This plan assigns certain genres to certain days of the week (Sunday is O.T. poetry, Monday is Pentateuch [the first 5 books], Tuesday is O.T. History, etc.) and the plan breaks books up into sections you can read in one sitting.
Have you read through the Book yet?
If not, I encourage you to join me! Even if you already have, it never hurts to do it again. I GUARANTEE you'll learn something new every time ;-)
To get your copy of the reading plan for 'Shirkers and Slackers', click here!
A plus with this plan is that you can just save it onto your computer and click the boxes when you've completed a reading. No more losing your plan in a stack of papers (ehem).
I will also be using these 5 questions by Mark Driscoll in order to have a deeper study in the Word.
Blessed is the man
who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
but his delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree
planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.
Psalm 1: 1-3
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