I get a little excited once Christmas starts approaching. I do feel a little guilty when I start decorating before Thanksgiving. I love the Thanksgiving holiday as well but I just don't have very much decor for that holiday yet (maybe I should do better with that next year). It just seems like December comes and goes so quickly, I want to start soaking up every minute of it as soon as possible.
I haven't put up anything specifically related to Christmas (i.e. tree, Nativity scene, etc.) but I am starting to add some of my "neutral" decorations which I believe will really come to life once I start stringing lights around the house :-)
One of those decorations are these fun tissue balls. I made a smaller version of these last year as garland (confession: I left it up all year because it was so cute).
This year I decided to do a larger version. I'm already out of white tissue but I plan on buying some more so that I can hang a little ball of tissue on each of the doors in our house.
Some of the materials you'll need for this easy project:
- full sheets of tissue (6-8 sheets for each ball)
- scissors
- string or wire
- ribbon
- optional: glue and glitter
I thought I was going to get really creative and add glitter to some of the edges of the tissue. However, I didn't get around to doing that. But I still wanted to include that option for you!
For the large ball, you'll need 6-8 sheets of tissue paper measuring at least 20"x25". Stack the sheets on top of each other.
Begin folding the sheets, accordion style, with 1.5" folds.
Tie the center of the folded tissue tightly with some string or wire.
Cut the both sides of the tissue with the edge you prefer. I like to do a rounded edge but you can also do a pointed edge.
I forgot to take a photo, but spread the folds out a bit so it looks almost like a butterfly. You can kind of see what I'm talking about in the picture below. You'll also notice in the picture below that I already began carefully separating the sheets from each other. This is what gives it a spherical shape.
Once you have all your tissue separated and fluffed out, thread a ribbon through the center string/wire and hang wherever you please! There's a lot of flexibility to how you decorate with these tissue balls.
I later added two smaller white ones. I simply cut the white tissue in half and repeated the same steps.
I added a green ribbon to the white tissue balls for a little bit of color detail. I like how my silver, glittery ribbon makes up for the fact that I didn't add any glitter to the actual tissue ;-)
Don't these glittery, gold branches add a nice touch too? I bought a few to add to vases around my house. I have high hopes for these branches to really come to life when I add some white Christmas lights around the house :-)
One more piece of exciting news, if you don't know already: I'll be co-hosting a Christmas/winter themed blog hop party, alongside a few other awesome gals. It starts THIS FRIDAY (November 22nd)! Make sure you come back to link up all your wintery ideas and recipes (old and new) and be sure to grab this button to spread the news.
The more the merrier!

I'd love for you to follow along!
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These are so cute! I see these and had no idea how to make them. Those would be so cute for Christmas. I just might be copying you!